Higher Guidance Reading

Higher Guidance Reading

What the Reading is and isn’t – I like to focus on the journey of you as a light being, your Soul. That is where you are in life, where you are on your path, and if there are any areas you are holding back in that you might need some insight around. Where you may need some encouragement to get going and move forward, to gain clarity where possible. What will serve you for your highest and greatest good at the time of the Reading.

I will not make any predictions of what may happen in your future. The reading is about you as a light being, as a Soul, living out your human life. To step into your own truth and power as much as possible.

The Universe/Spirit directs the Reading, and I believe that whatever comes through is what is important for you to know in that moment. What the cards could tell you is completely individual, between you, your Highest self, and all the Universal energies.

How I work ~ After setting and clearing my work space including my computer, crystals and oracle cards energetically I connect in to my heart. Calling upon Divine Source, any Angels, Archangels or Ascended Masters, including any Ancestors or loved ones that wish to be present for you. I connect in with my Higher Self asking for it to communicate with your Higher Self, and that I be a clear channel to bring through any messages for your highest and greatest good and learning at this present moment in time. What you need to know to assist you in your Souls journey and what would Spirit/Source like you to be aware of.

My wish in a reading for you is to bring through guidance that will empower and uplift you. That will have a positive impact and shift in your life.

Oracle card readings vary in their length, an average Reading is around 5-6 pages. All Readings are typed and sent to you via email, including photos of your Oracle Cards.

When will I receive my Guidance Reading? ~ I will endeavour to have your Reading emailed to you within fourteen (14) days from purchase, however this may change due to the number of Readings that have been purchased at the time of yours being received. You will be kept fully updated if this is the case.

** Please note due to the level of orders received at present there is currently a minimum wait time of 14 weeks ** (as at 2nd April 2024)

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