Release the Struggle and Welcome in your New

29th April 2022 0 By SoulLee Connected

The energies are really potent right now as we head into the eclipse season, they are building and intensifying as we enter into a powerful shift. The effects of which will be varying some may be bursting and buzzing with these energies feeling their creativity spike, others may be more deeply within the memories and the past flooding the mind and most ( I feel) a mix of both. All depends on what you have worked through and what is still sitting within, either way all is well, all is perfect.

So again what is still creating disharmony with your life, what’s rocking the boat, what isn’t working that you still cling to. You can help ease into this powerful shift by being aware of what surfaces and being really present within yourself so you can ‘feel’ what is going on and what is calling to change and shift or be let go of. There are time lines all over the place, dissolving, connecting forming and coming in (best way I can describe it).

Changes call so if you are ‘feeling’ the old being too present, the mind feels overrun remember to breathe, do what you can to slow down and nurture yourself, your physical body may be experiencing this also, the head, the digestive, third eye. So many shifts occurring within and around us. All is propelling you into your newness. Let the old go and open, open, open. Welcome in and receive, receive, receive.Keep your focus on what feels good, stay out of any drama or remove yourself from anything or anyone (as best you can) that may distract you from your resolve to hold love. Be open to change, be open to receive and be willing to surrender the struggle.

Many have held tightly to the energies of ‘struggle’ within, have held the belief system that this is their life, their path is and always will be a struggle. This is old, it is ready to dissolve, whatever purpose it served and whatever came to create this in the first place, the root cause, whatever lifetime this was created in it is ready to shift. Welcome in your new, announce it and allow any old memories that surface, any emotions to shake and shift through you whilst being as open as possible. Welcome in your freedom, feel it, connect with it as if it is already present, hold it and expand it, soak it in.

“I lovingly release, disconnect from and dissolve any belief systems, cords, contracts and attachments I hold within this lifetime or any other that are attached to struggle. I let go of and disconnect completely from all people, places, situations, and circumstances along with the root causes that were cause to create any beliefs that my life will be a struggle. I hand all over completely and welcome in their place the energies of freedom, unconditional love and prosperity to my entire being now. It is done, it is done, it is so, so be it. Thank you.”

Much Love xxx

(Light Code – Peace – SoulLee Connected (c) 2022 – Free use)