Spirit brings the Butterfly Spirit with the message ~

12th May 2022 0 By SoulLee Connected

“Truth is a gift, listen and receive that which is being given to you in order for you to open to greater levels of love. The love we speak of is already present within you, for you are love at your core, keep opening to the hearts messages, keep listening and receiving. All is well and all will be well. We bring to you the spirit of the butterfly for so many of you see this as the powerful symbol of great change and transformation. It is a time of transitioning. Keep committed to kindness, of the self and others, discomfort and uncertainty may arise but allow it to come and gently go as waves that wash over you for you are held and supported through your transition into higher levels of love and consciousness. You are of the Divine, you are Divine hold this within your heart”.

With blessings and kindness to all xxx

(Image credit unknown)