Invest in yourself, your dreams, your life

23rd January 2023 0 By SoulLee Connected

Are you investing in yourself, in your dreams, in your wants, needs and desires? This is the message as it came through this morning, and which will feel particularly speaking directly to some very loudly. It is the reminder of all that you have walked through last year has been to honour and listen to yourself more, to realise the value of you, you as a whole, you in all your uniqueness.

Allow those dreams the space and time, the nurture they need to be within your heart but to also allow them to work their way into physical form by following your intuitive nudges, those sparks of insight you receive in a flash in a thought, in a moment that can be easy to miss if we have gone back to the old patterns. Take time for you and time for your dreams to be, whatever they are. The heart calls you to listen to what you really want not what your head thinks you want.

The path that you have walked the last few years has all been moving and shifting you, digging in deeply and unearthing that which has been a weight, that which has been blocking your true nature of love, of who you are. “Be still and know the value of all you have experienced for incredible beauty is born from the mud, the lotus blossoms as you do, as you always do. Time to truly see the beauty of who you are, the magic you hold through all times”.

As we enter February it will be (I feel) a month that we will start to feel as if we are coming out of the sleep and the fatigue and this energy allows us to start to put into action the way we want to walk our path going forwards, setting us on the path for this year. Remember all you have learned and moved through, that valuable wisdom that you now hold that reminds you what you do and don’t want to connect with, say yes or agree to. Doors open, pathways reveal within the magic of synchronicities and signs. Remember your power, the power within each decision, choice and action to create the life you wish to be within.

With Love xxx

(Image creator unknown)