Slow Down and Listen

16th April 2024 0

Slow down and listen to the whispers of Soul, take time to pause, breathe into your being, be present and listen. What is your body communicating with you, what does it need? What are the thoughts that are on loop (if any) what are they showing you needs your attention? Where are your emotions, scattered…

By SoulLee Connected

Todays Messages with Love

15th April 2024 0

We are still within a space of realignment so we are continually guided to check in and pause before taking action, reaction, checking in with the mind and where and on what it may be focused on and what are we allowing our energy, love and time to be involved within and connected to as…

By SoulLee Connected

Keep Opening, Keep flowing

10th April 2024 0

Use this time, these incredible energies as it gives us a nudge of momentum, of renewed courage and call to forge ahead, to create new paths to create positive change, to help us align with Souls path. Things may feel shaken up for some but know that all things that are shaken work to bring…

By SoulLee Connected

Find Your Centre

9th April 2024 0

The Higher Realms, the Angelic, Celestial, all Light beings are supporting your work to raise your vibration, to expand, to transform and to know yourself as the being of incredible love that you are. There may feel a push and pull at this time as you continue to move out of the old and reach…

By SoulLee Connected